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Qendra për Ndihmë Juridike


Home Prisoners

Who benefits from the CLA-KLI


Instituti i Kosovës për Drejtësi (Qendra për Ndihmën Juridike), Rr. Rrustem Statovci, Hyrja I, nr. 1 dhe Z3-S4. nr.1, Prishtinë.

Legal aid for protection of the rights of individuals in detention on remand or while suffering their sentence

According to the Constitution of Kosovo, applicable laws and international law, no one can be sent to prison without a legitimate reason and anyone accused of a criminal offense has the right of a fair trial. The suspects in the detention on remand stage have the right of access to medical services without payment, family contact and other rights provided by the law. Also, the State is forced to respect the rights guaranteed by the applicable law regarding the individuals convicted by the court and those who are suffering their sentence in correctional institutions in Kosovo.

In accordance with this, CLA will promote the rights of individuals in detention on remand and those suffering their sentence, regardless of them being citizens of Kosovo or foreigners, through these methods:

  • Visiting the Detention Centers;
  • Visiting Correctional Centers;
  • Through the request to visit individuals against whom the detention on remand was imposed.

Through requests of individuals who are suffering their sentence in correctional centers, CLA will:

  • Provide advice regarding the rights of individuals who are in detention on remand or those who are suffering their sentence;
  • Provide legal aid regarding the requests to benefit as provided by the normative of correctional system;
  • Representation through a defense lawyer in front of administrative bodies related to the rights of convicted individuals;
  • Other forms and methods that aim protecting the rights of individuals in detention on remand or those suffering their sentence.
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